Thursday, 1 October 2009

Script By Lucy Davies and Matthew Helliwell

Interior, Lucy's house. The scene is shot early in the morning and she hurries as she is late for college.

(Alarm clock rings and Lucy hits her hand alarm clock to stop the sound)

Lucy: Crap

(Runs around the house murmuring inaudible things to herself)

Interior, College. The scene is shot in the corridors of college as she is trying to find her class.

(Quick cut shots of her searching for her classroom again murmuring inaudible words)

Interior, College Library. Lucy sits down in a huff. Emily-Jayne comes over.

Emily-Jayne: Hello,
Lucy: Hi
Emily-Jayne: are you alright?
Lucy: Yeah, I’m fine, just a little lost.
Emily-Jayne: Oh, maybe I can help, where do you want to go? I’m a volunteer librarian here so I know this place like the back of my hand.

(Lucy gets a piece of paper out and indicates where she needs to go)

Lucy: I need to find this place here, E572?
(Points to paper)
Emily-Jayne: Oh yeah I took media there a while back. Just give me a minute.

(Emily-Jayne puts some books that are on the table on the shelf)

Emily-Jayne: Come on then, sorry I didn’t catch your name.
Lucy: Oh I’m Lucy, what’s yours?
Emily-Jayne: My names Emily-Jayne.

(Cut to the corridor of the classroom Lucy needs)

Interior, college corridor. Lucy and Emily-Jayne are having a conversation about As Levels as they come round the corner.
Emily-Jayne: So what is it you are doing A levels?
Lucy: Umm yeah, Media, Biology, Sociology, Use of Maths.
Emily-Jayne: Well you’ll get sick of the sight of this room then, I do. This is it.
Lucy: Okay then thanks a lot. See you around.
Emily-Jayne: Bye.

Interior, College Classroom. Lucy walks into her Media class. The teacher is teaching and everyone turns and looks at her.

Lucy: Sorry I’m late, I got lost.
Teacher: It’s okay, just find a seat quietly.

(She scans the room to look for a spare seat)

Lucy: Okay

(Sits down alone)

Interior. Lucy’s House. Lucy walks through the door and goes straight upstairs; Lucy’s Mum calls her from the Kitchen.

Mum: Hi darling, did you have a good day at college?
Lucy: Yeah, it was alright.
Mum: Did you make any new friends?
Lucy: Yeah a few. Ones called Emily-Jayne, she’s nice.
Mum: Ohh good, dinner will be ready soon.

Interior, college Library. Lucy is sat alone on a computer in the college library. Bullies are murmuring insults at her and she catches some of the words.

Emily-Jayne: Just ignore them

(Lucy is startled because she doesn’t realize Emily-Jayne is sat behind her she jumps)

Lucy: Jesus Emily, You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Emily-Jayne: Oh sorry, you really shouldn’t listen to them.
Lucy: I Don’t.

(The bullies shout more abuse because Lucy is talking to herself)

Emily-Jayne: Come on let’s get out of here. Do you fancy getting a coffee?
Lucy: Yeah sure.

(They walk out of the library away from the bullies.)

Exterior. Pavement outside college next to a main road.

(Emily-Jayne and Lucy are walking on the pavement, a car goes passed and throws something at them. They realise it was the girls from the library)

Emily-Jayne: God, are you okay? You really need to do something about that.
Lucy: Why should I, I’ve been dealing with it most my life I can handle it.
Emily:Jayne: Yes but,

(Lucy cuts her off)

Lucy: Look I don’t want to talk about it, please just forget about it.

Interior, Quiet Café.
(Both girls walk into café.)

Emily-Jayne: Oh sorry, I’ve forgot my money.
Lucy: No No, it’s my treat, I’ll get it for you.
Emily: Thanks.

(Lucy goes to the counter, while Emily-Jayne takes a seat. Cashier walks over to Lucy to take her order)

Cashier: Yeah?
Lucy: Ermm just two Lattes please.
Cashier: Two? (Confused expression)
Lucy: Yeah two if that’s ok? (Confused expression back)

Cashier: No problem love

(Lucy hands the money over, gets the drinks and goes to sit down opposite Emily-Jayne)

Emily-Jayne: I know you probably don’t want me to bring it up again but I think you should tell Simon about what those girls just did.
Lucy: Yeah, you’re most probably right. I’m just glad you’ve been there, I don’t make friends easy.
Emily-Jayne: Yeah me too, shall we go see Simon after the coffee?
Lucy: Maybe (Looks scared)
Emily-Jayne: Oh I was going to ask.

(Lucy’s phone interrupts Emily as it starts to vibrate on the table)

Lucy: Oh it’s my mum, just give me a minute.
Emily-Jayne: Okay no problem

(Lucy answers phone and a graphic match occurs to Lucy’s mum on the other end of the phone)

Lucy: Hello.
Mum: Hiya darling.
Lucy: What’s up?
Mum: Well I was vacuuming your room this afternoon.

(Scene cuts to her mum vacuuming the room)

Mum: And I found your medication under your bed, have you not been taking them?
Lucy: Oh crap. I must have forgotten to take them.
Mum: How could you forget? .....Well you need to start them again immediately. Do you want me to bring them to college?
Lucy: No it’s okay I was going to come home for dinner anyway.
Mum: Okay well hurry I’ll make you some food before I go to work.
Lucy: Okay bye.

(Lucy hangs up and stands up)

Lucy: Sorry I’m going to have to leave you. I’ll see you tomorrow yeah.
Emily-Jayne: Yeah sure.

(Lucy leaves the café in a rush)

(Mum rushes towards Lucy as she walks through the door of her house)

Mum: Your medicine is on the table and your dinner will be about 5 minutes I think.

(Rushes about to go to work)

Lucy: Okay. Cheers.

(Lucy goes over to the table gets some water and takes her tablets)

(Whilst the mother is talking she is putting her coat on and getting ready to go out of the house)
Mum: So what you done today then?
Lucy: Well kind of just had media and then hung out with Emily.
Mum: Ohh great. Maybe you should invite her round for tea sometime.
Lucy: Yeah she’d love it, maybe I will.
Mum: Okay love, well I’ll see you after work. Bye.

(Cut to Lucy’s bedroom she is looking in the mirror muttering to herself, she gets her bag and walks out of the door)

Interior: college corridor. Lucy walks around the corner on the phone to Emily and sees her standing there she continues talking to her on the phone.

Lucy: Okay I can see you now. Signals kind of going anyway.

(Lucy hangs up the phone)

Emily-Jayne: So are you ready for this?
Lucy: Yeah sure, I mean it’s not that much of a big deal really.
Emily-Jayne: I suppose not.

(They walk round the corner to the door of the classroom. Lucy takes In a deep breath and knocks on the door)

Simon: Hello Lucy, what’s the matter?
Lucy: Hello, I think I need some help.....from you, are you busy?
Simon: No not at all, come in. Shut the door after you.

(Lucy walks into the classroom, shuts the door behind her and sits down opposite Simon)

Lucy: Okay well...well. Right, I’m having a little bit of trouble with some of the girls in our class.

Simon: Oh okay, well let’s start with who?
Lucy: Well really it’s just Jade, but also her friends Sharron and I don’t know the other one but she has long blonde hair and sits near the window just over there.
Simon: Ahh you mean Danielle Squires.
Lucy: Yeah I think that’s her name.
Simon: And what has been happening then?
Lucy: Well it started out softly you know just like muttering in the library and whenever I see them really. But I just saw them today and they threw something at me and Emily and I dunno I’m just a little bit fed up now. I feel daft coming to you at this age, but I just don’t know what to do.
Simon: No worries, that’s why I’m here...... so it’s not just you getting bullied then? Who’s this Emily girl?
Lucy: Emily-Jayne Hart? Um yeah

(She looks to the empty chair. She looks confused and puzzled at why Simon is reacting so blankly)

Simon: What?
Lucy: Emily, yeah she’s um.
Simon: What are you talking about Lucy?
Lucy: Emily-Jayne

(Lucy Points and looks to the side of her)

Lucy: (Mutters whilst she looks around the room)

(Lucy looks and she sees no one there, she looks a second time but there is still no one in the seat)

Simon: Lucy, Lucy? Is everything okay?

(Lucy looks sick and confused)

Lucy: No no I’m not at all. What’s happening?

(She puts her hand on her head and stands off her seat)

Lucy: I don’t know what’s happening.

(She continues to mutter to herself whilst pacing up and down)

Simon: Just calm down Lucy,

(Simon looks through a filing cabinet in the corner of the room he flicks through the folders until he finds the folder Hart, He pulls out her file, Lucy is wandering around the room pulling at her hair)

Simon: I have found her file.

(Simon scans the sheet of paper in his hand; he suddenly looks at the file in shock)

Simon: What the....
(He says to himself)

Simon: Look this is most probably a misunderstanding, but it says, says (he stutters) well it says she died Lucy.
Lucy: She was my friend, I knew her. She was the best friend I have ever had.

(Lucy doesn’t really take in what Simon had just said to her then she falls silent and stares at the floor)

Lucy: Oh my god.

(She realises what has just happened and sits back in her chair)

Flashbacks occur in Lucy’s head, they cover the times they spent together and what they must have looked like to a normal person. She is sat in the café alone, on the phone to no one, walking down the corridors laughing to herself trying to find her class, the bullies watching her having a conversation with herself in the computer suite, they are laughing at her. The bullies throwing an empty bottle at her.

(The camera pulls focus onto Lucy’s Face)

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