We went on the bbfc classification guidelines website to see what age guideline our film would be classified under. We opened up a PDF document explaining everything on every catagory.
Here is a link to the website I went to get the information
From here I found a PDF file giving all information for all classifications.
We decided that we would catagorise our film under the 12 we decided this because:
-We are not planning on having any discrimitive language or behaviour, as we will have no need for it in our short film.
-We have no use of drugs in our film so this topic will not be a problem.
-In our film, we have moderate psychological threat. However, this threat will not be frequent, it will be very mild and at the end.
-We will not have any hangings in our film, although we do have a suicide. We havent decided on whether we will show or just mention the suicide. We will definatly not dwell on any detail which could be copied and it will not seem pain free.
-We may use moderate language, for example; the occassional use of the word "Shit." But strong words such as "Fuck." will be extremely rare, or may not even be used.
-We will not have any scenes of nudity.
-We will not have any scenes of a sexual nature.
-Our theme is mild psychotic thriller. It is quite mature, even thought it contains young adults starting college.
-We will not have any extreme violence. Altought it may contain mild violence there will be no gory scenes with excess blood. We will not glorify the violence to make it look good in any way.
By Matthew Helliwell
-We have no use of drugs in our film so this topic will not be a problem.
-In our film, we have moderate psychological threat. However, this threat will not be frequent, it will be very mild and at the end.
-We will not have any hangings in our film, although we do have a suicide. We havent decided on whether we will show or just mention the suicide. We will definatly not dwell on any detail which could be copied and it will not seem pain free.
-We may use moderate language, for example; the occassional use of the word "Shit." But strong words such as "Fuck." will be extremely rare, or may not even be used.
-We will not have any scenes of nudity.
-We will not have any scenes of a sexual nature.
-Our theme is mild psychotic thriller. It is quite mature, even thought it contains young adults starting college.
-We will not have any extreme violence. Altought it may contain mild violence there will be no gory scenes with excess blood. We will not glorify the violence to make it look good in any way.
By Matthew Helliwell
Good but you could also have included a link to their site.
ReplyDeleteJulie Schofield
Create a link to sites you have researched.
ReplyDeleteJulie Schofield